Immission control legislation processes

Project planning requires regulatory legislation.

New constructions or alterations to industrial plants or installations for the extraction of raw materials often go hand in hand with extensive authorisation processes in accordance with the German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). This includes, in particular, Initial Status Reports for Soil and Groundwater (ISR), which are required for IED installations.

With our team of experts and our reliable partners, we can offer you comprehensive, substantiated expert services for assessing the environmental impact of installations caused by emissions into the air, water and soil. We support you in an advisory capacity to help you make economically optimised decisions and find solutions within the project management framework which give due consideration to people, fauna, flora, soil, water and air.

We undertake authorisation management on your behalf and represent you in discussions with public authorities. Drafting and submitting applications and dealing with public participation is part of our daily routine. In doing this we maintain a continual focus on rules and regulations as well as points of contact with the public authorities, parties concerned and other institutions involved in order to ensure smooth project implementation.

Our consultation services

  • Authorisation certificates in accordance with BImSchG (German Federal Immission Control Act), BBergG (German Federal Mining Act), AbgrG NRW (Mining Act North Rhine-Westphalia), WHG (German Federal Water Resources Act), BNatSchG (German Federal Act for the Protection of Nature), …
  • Coordination of immission reports (dust, noise, odour and vibrations)
  • Conducting and coordination of nature conservation reports
  • Verification of the necessity for an Initial Status Report for Soil and Groundwater (ISR)
  • Compiling of Initial Status Reports for Soil and Groundwater (ISRs)
  • Compiling of documents for the cessation of business operations (Unterlagen zur Betriebseinstellung (UzB))

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